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Ron Barker's Top 10 Revealed - FocusCFO

Written by Ron Barker | May 25, 2022 1:42:02 PM

We are proud to share associate Ron Barker's FocusCFO-themed take on the genre of Top Ten Lists, this time with a FocusCFO-themed twist! 

A little bit about Ron: Ron spent his 32-year career with multiple GE businesses which included CFO of a $1.2B P&L with 22 global sites. He is a certified Six Sigma Master Black Belt and led a business-wide initiative to improve cash and cash processes. 

Top 10 Reasons to be Part of the FocusCFO Team

10: Good ROI on Franchise Fee 
As a finance guy I, of course, had to do an ROI calculation, and I was pleased with the return on my initial investment in FocusCFO 

9: Business Model
Area Presidents + Experienced CFOs + Playbook = Small business success 

After retiring from GE, I interviewed for a few positions and quickly discovered that my experience was not always valued. Some assumed I was too expensive, others decided I was too old. When I found FocusCFO it was clear that FocusCFO and their clients valued the 30+ years of experience and insights that I bring to the table. 

Collaborating with the Area Presidents has also been key to my successful experience. 

8: Variety

My long-term clients run the gamut from IT services, to manufacturing, to pet subscription boxes and contractor services. The variety keeps me engaged with and constantly learning from my work with FocusCFO.

7: Less Stress 

After serving for a large public company for so long, I was used to the quarter-point stress. There were a lot of late nights, overtime, and interpreting five-inch-thick GAAP manuals. With small to midsized businesses, the books must still be closed, but it tends to be much smoother, with fewer layers of red tape, and significantly less stressful.  

6: Culture of Continuous Learning

Everyone is committed to the value of continuous learning. I enjoy participating in FocusCFO’s Book Club and weekly learning sessions. In fact, in the past 18 months, I have read more books than in the previous 56 years of my life. It has been a wonderful opportunity to learn and know more about myself.

5: Culture of Support

Area Presidents, CFOs, and support staff, the willingness and responsiveness of everyone to help are unbelievable. Our clients are not only tapped into my 30+ years of experience but also into the collective well of knowledge of the other 100+ associates I work with. 

4: Impact

When working with small businesses, versus a large corporation, your impact is much more easily identified. You can see the value that you add, and where you are adding the value, much more quickly.

3: Relationships

It’s extremely rewarding to build relationships with clients, partners, my business community, and my fellow associates. I have had the opportunity to meet a lot of wonderful new people. 

2: Flexibility and Control of Your Schedule

I have valued having flexibility and control of my own schedule – being able to manage my vacation time, work at the pace that is most comfortable for me, etc.  

And the number one reason for joining the FocusCFO team…


I have not only had the opportunity to guide a handful of wonderful small businesses towards sustainable, transferrable, value – I have also gotten to engage with these businesses in unique, meaningful ways. I enjoy opportunities to be able to truly learn about and participate in my clients’ businesses – and even to get my hands a little dirty! I recently had the opportunity to hop behind the driver’s seat in an excavator and deliver a load of dirt.